Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Nitemare of 27 Febuary 2008

well to start of this new blog the tittle explains it all:

It was the end of my working day, bercita2 nak naik train ke shah alam, tetiba terdengar "disebabkan gangguan bekalan eletrik dari stesen P******g ke Stesen S****g, perkhidmatan tren akan di hentikan di stesen P*****g, " and there is more to that announcement lah kan...while slurpping on my strawberry shake from McD, which was delicious, i can angry faces of people moving around sentral, hayoo terdengar jugak, bodo lah tren nie.....hai nak buan cam maner senah oiii dah rosak.....terus lah gigih turun tangga nak naik bus ke rumah......sambil berangan and slurpping my shake, tetiba terjumpe pulak my fren, stop sembang sekejap, terus menuju ke perhentian sepatutnya.....lama jugak lah tunggu bus sampai datang....hayoo datang saja bus terus kena serbu...ala2 serbu artis fofular sajer.......aku pun apalagi terus lah serbu sekali....terus dpt tempat duduk......the bus was full and started to dozed off and the all of the sudden terdengar bunyi aneh....tengok tempat drive chermin pecah....hayoo kena baling mogok ker.....rupenyer tak puas hati sebab bus tak nak berhenti....yelah kan ala2 dah penuh harus lah driver tak nak hambik....terus bus berhenti dan tangakp pembaling batu berkenaan...padan muka....menggangu sajer tido ku.......sampai asiajaya driver masuk jalan berbeza.....rupa2nyer pg balai polis...motif???nak suruh satu bus jadi saksi ker???hayooo.....hem tdo sepanjang hem bukan saksi kejadian lah.....boleh ker alasan begitu.....then terus zass driver membawak bus balik ke shah alam.....gigih lagi nie hem tdo....sedar2 jer hem sudah sampai....tukar bus...hem balik umah...singgah kedai shopping makanan....atas alasan geram sebab bus lambat and buat hal.....(perluker alasan sedemikian??)hem tengok tv jap the tdo.........that's all for today ta ta for now............

The Grand Launching of The Glamours Diary....

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to this offical Launching........

Hey there guys, this is a new attempt by to create an online diary aka blogging....after constant reading and becoming a silent reader, it struck in my mind that i need to start and join the other to create my onw blog where i could express my self.....come to think of it, do i really have the time to this blog??will this be just another project to left at the end of the road???well hopefully that this blog will grow into a really glamours blog......there will be a regular updates on this blog....which will reflect the events around me........hmm......yes i'm ready now to start blogging.......wish me luck guys..........muahsssss