Thursday, March 27, 2008
Helo start of happy easter to all of you....the Lord is Risen...Alleluia.....i guess it has been about two week since my last post which is the election results....lots have been usual my favorite friday nite spot where i can dance and self proclaim gym where i can dance as crazy as posible....ahaks....mati lah propa vagai nak rak kan....tapi ari tu memang best lah.....menari vagai nak gila lah...then last week kot gi club shah alam coz ader party and yes i got and invite...he he he....thanks to my friend.....tema uolls retro katernya...hayo...vagai nak rak jugak lah pikirkan tema baju kan...ahaks at last found an assemble that is nearing to the theme.......banyak sebenar berlaku tetapi hem luper i working in the airport.....a new enviroment to me...which i can adapt (i reall hope) he he he.....puas u olls cuci mata kat sini ahaks.....gitu kan...motif utama......what ever it is my duty to promote malaysia to all of the touris and also promote diri sendiri.......llarriikkkkk.......ahaks....tu jer lah mungkin esok hem update lagi....he he he...ta ta u ollss.......
Monday, March 10, 2008
The result of the 12th General Election
Althought this time BN tak menang majoriti by 2/3, but I'm still gratefull that the goverment is rule under Barisan Nasional. Tapi this election was a total blow to the BN as they lost 5 states to the opposition which is Kedah, Perak, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor. which is very unfortunate. What i mena is that sometimes we tend to forget the hands that have fed you and you backstab the hand (go figure it yourself). I'm not going to talk much about this as the decision have been made. My Kawasan Parliment was won by BN (hayoo nasib baik lah...) but Shah Aalm is now under the opposition. What i feel is that some of the citizen forget or have the attitude Kacang Lupakan Kulit....hmm....what to do, they have voice out their choice...and we have to bear with the choice for 5 years from now untill estimated 2012. What i'm sad is that Lembah Pantai seat has been won by the PKR i mean have they forgotten that Sharizat have done a lot to the constituency.....hmm....12 years of service i think that the people from that area should have known what has been establish by her.......i was so surprise that she lost in the election and i know that deep in her heart, she is very very sad......aside from that many senior minister have lost in the election. Well......once again the Malaysia have voted........
Barisan Alternative (BA) or simply known as the opposition has won greatly and they are surely proud of their victory. I mean what the citizen sees in this alliance. What they have being doing for the past years is only disturbing the peace and harmony here in Malaysia. Yes, in the parliment we need opposition but why are giving a states to them. Aren't we taking a very high risk?? I mean they will cancel off what the BN have done and create something new which will takes time for us to get a grip of my area (Shah Alam) is govern by the PAS and PKR...hmm...lets see what the offer which they tend to establish within this 5 years.....reduce the oil price, abolish toll and others.....I personally do hope the can really comply to their promise as the citizen of Malaysia really trusting on the BA......what am i thinking now is that, what will happen to the 5 states?? will it prosper?? will it be doomed??just wait and see.............
My state Sarawak stands tall with the BN still rulling in the state now and Sarawak gave 30 sates to the tally last 2 nite. hmm... i guess that is good news rite..... he he he.....idup srawak, apa2 pun di padah urang pasal ngeri kamek, kamek tetap setia jadi anak sarawak.....idup sarawak.......
I guess that is my honest opinion on the 12 general election, there is the ups and downs of it, i guess 13 day of campaigning have been fully utilized by all of the party. And so i would like to wish congrats to those individual who have won in the election and i hope that they fulfilled what they have promised during the campaign.....ta ta for now guys......
Friday, March 07, 2008
And the Malaysia voted for...........

After 13 days of rigourous campainging, Malaysia is in the hands of Malaysian themselves. Candidate from every party have gone high and low to meet up with the people from their respective area, giving talk aka ceramah, flyers, and other bad for me as i'm a registered voter but cannot vote due to unforeseen circumstances hmm...there goes my right as a Malaysian citizen.
Differently from the main stream party, the are indpendent candidate trying their luck to parliamentary seats or even state assemblymen. This general election made a new record when an old granny, in kelantan have decided to join in the election buzz. This show that age is no barrier in election. From the looks of it, the granny might not win the election but, her efforts to join this year's election must be credited rite.To the granny, gud luck in the election k....
My hope for the winning party is to provide a better road excess to my Kampung. I hate those bumpy rite to kampung. Dear MP, please make a tar road to my kampung. Also electricty and water connection to my maternal kampung. i can't stand it any more to take bath under the ice cold mountain water plus have to go to sleep as early 10 at nite.
Again to all Malaysian, do the right choice, vote for who do you think that can give a better Malaysia. Thnik about KLCC, KL Tower, Pavillion, Mid Valley.....(hayoo sempat lah berkempen)...ahaks. For a better Malaysia rite........
Thats all for this possting, till we meet again for the result of the polling and the weekend reports...ta ta for now...muahsss guys......
Monday, March 03, 2008
Happening over the weekends........
hmmm.......friday nite was the usual activity which is clubbing, before that watched the OIAM finale.....Sara was out from the competition, i felt a little bit down as she was the one who suppose to the one million but at last the money goes to Ayu.....i guess lady luck was shinning on her....after that went to the usual club with usual gang.....this week the music was better compared to last a lot and sweat a lot (i guess this is my mandatory 30 minutes of exercise goes..ahaks) after the clubbing session ends, went to have a drink at pelita.....feasted my eyes for a while.....wake up late on saturday afternoon, then went to midvalley to buy a wedding present and 2 tshirt (which is half price and a bargain which is not to be miss) at about 8 went back to shah alam feeling tired and quite satisfied with the damages being made to my purse....he he he.....sunday morning went to a wedding reception...will post some pictures was a simple affair....but the food was delicious...really enjoy the food......after the wedding went to sunway to met up with friends......late afternoon went back and i felt very tired....did my weekly laundy (which is dah larats nak buat dah, tp gigih jugak lah nak buat), watch some tv and went to sleep....i guess today the monday blues sindrom is still kicking in my mind....still feel tired and sleepy tp gigih jugak lah pg keja....settel kan keje mcm biasa......i guess that all for now.....ta ta for now
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