Hey there...it has been ages since i update my blog....he he he...this is the reason why....the net from my office is down for 5 day now and still counting....decided to bring my lappy and now online from my lappy at sentral........this are the backdated updates starting from friday last week.....
Last friday was the beach party at the usual nite spot....interesting enough dressed myself in tune with theme of beach party.....another insentif to go there as was a undies fashion show......show went there with a different clicks of mine......music was quite good.......and then at the end of the session word spread out that a raid is being done......ok went out of the club full of anger he he he....coz tak puas lg menari........
Last saturday sms from the same club came states that the entrance fee would be 10 bucks.....in the morning working as usual with sleep deprived....hu hu hu...at nite went again but tis time the music really s**k, house music which is not my cup of tea.......slept all through the session.....
that's guys for last week info.....really not in the mood for blogging now...sleepy....guess why....
till we meet again.....ta...ta.....