Tuesday, August 19, 2008


hey guys.....just to keep update.....last friday went to the usual hang out place, arrinving quite late which is about 12.30 morning....the music was going late and i just arrive....hu hu hu....did enjoy the dance session he he he......music was great.......the next day working for a travel mart.....tiring.....the whole day was tiresome....my legs is really killing me due to the long standing period and also last's nite of heavy dancing.......he he he....last sunday as usual working again for the travel mart.....can't wait for my weekend break....he he he.....where i will be attending my cousin's wedding in kuching.....will post some pix of the wedding in the next posting.....still feeling sleep deprived....hu hu hu.....

i guess that all for todays posting....will write again soon....oh ya...congrats to chong wei for winning silver for Malaysia.........ta ta for now.....


Monday, August 11, 2008

First post for August........

Hey there......it has been a long time since my last posting....coming to the second week of august now well just to recap.......

Friday went to the usual club with d gang, plus 2 of my friends who come from kuching.....he he he.....the music was great...really enjoyed the music......the crowd was great......it has been a long time the club have a great crowd with good music......he he he.......

wake up quite late that Saturday morning.......feeling my legs and body aching due to the so called stranious exercise....he he he......nothing much to do in the morning except watching tv...then went for a meeting for an event this september....then at nite went to for a dance session again...he he he...but did not really dance as my body is still aching......hu hu hu....

Sunday was a relaxing day for me....done my laundry despite the aching body....hu hu hu....watch gangstar at nite.......i really love sunday.....

i guess that all guys for this posting...will keep you guys updated soon......ta ta for now....
