Hey there guys......the content of this blog will reflect some of opinion on the 1 think that i care about most......Queer As Folk or also know as QAF....the first time i learn bout this series is through youtube and i thought to myself...wow a great eye opening series to those who think that same gender relationships is unmoral......i really love this series...it took me ages to look for this series in KL and atlas i found it in subang....the first season that i saw was the second season of QAF....and just fell in love with the charaters....i especially adore the relationship between brian and justin which to me proves that love will in prevail in the most unexpected way.....brian as a great goodlooking top who always finding the perfect men to be f**ked and one fine night comes this virgin teen justin....as their eye met...the sparks of love was in them.....as for justin he was sure of it but as for brian it was just a ONS only.....but the as the season evolved brian slowy reliase that justi was his love......the series also show that friendships goes a long way to go....and also love can come at any moment.....aside from brian and justin there is also micheal or mikey the best friend of brian and also have this huge crush on brian and a comic fanatic, ted the accountant who have this low self confident and also emmet the ever flamboyant guy......aside from that we also have debbie the mother of mikey, linds and i forgot the name of her girlfriend the lesbian couple....when i watch the last season my heart sank and i said to myself...the best series come to an end.....but throught that series i know that the love of my life is some where and it all depends on my how to find him......and plus really love the club scene....so hot.....hi3...i've been meaning to write this review a long time a go but i cant find the time and idea and so i here it is my own opinion on this series....next will be the british version...hoping i could get it soon....well guys...that all for now...will write soon enough...ta ta guys....