Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hey there, after the singapore post....i continue my adventure to the motivation camp which i attended on the second week of march.....located in Jeram Besu.....i can classified myself as entering an army camp.....the camp was manage by a groupof ex comando soldier...and you can guess the strict rules i have to adhere...anyway it was an eye opening camp and a few things i did for the first time.....firstly was the abseiling....it was a great experience...really wanted to it and i can say myself i did quite good....hi hi hi.......but the it was mind above matter as you need to fight the height fobia before you can suceed......then was the rafting....did very well with my group by being the first one to arrive at the final check point.....there was also the management games which was crazy and your really need enough patient to endure the games......seriously........but all i can say is that it has endure the tough challange with a gred B.....hi hi hi.....will not for that camp again.....enough of soldier style camp for me.....currently still recovering from the sunburn of the camp....hu hu hu..........

Clubbing is one of my night life activity which i do on friday and saturday nights....last friday went to the newest club in town....quite ok if comparing to the usual club that i go....spacious and song was B rated by me....did have fun with my friends......hi hi hi.....

Now on the brink on mental block....i have no more idea on what to write......so guys...ta ta....before that...sorry for the singapore post layout...i dont know what happen....by the way happy scrolling......ta ta guys........

gossip gurl

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Singapore Trip.....

Hey there....it has been quite sometimes since my last post.....i wanted to post earlier but due to unforseen circumstances my pure intention was delayed....anyway happening for the month is as follows.......
Singapore Trip......
End of Feb I went to Singapore for official duty....this is my first time i went so called overseas....was quite excited as my first trip to a diffrent country.....how was singapore you ask??well i guess it has it's simillarity with Malaysia....firstly the country is clean....so far the toilet is clean enough....less jam.....more fashionable i guess......adore the taxi system there.....not like Malaysia....plus it did some massive damaged in my pocket...hi hi hi...anyway some picture of me in Singapore........

Hard Rock Cafe Singapore.....

Ayam Penyek....very delicious....will have it again when i'm in Singapore....

Tangs Singapore....
Takashimaya Singapore.....

The Guilty of Pleasure.....

Changi Airport.....

Orchard Road...

Second best donut after JCO

General Damage have been made in my pocket....
Those are some of the shots from Singapore....i would like to go back there again because some of the items there i still consinder them cheap rather than here in Malaysia....any takers who want to join me for the trip to Singapore....hi hi hi....
Okie guys....thats all for this posting....ta ta for now....
gossip gurl.....