Harluuuu guys.......entering the second week of December already.........also entering second week advent......hurm Christmas is coming very very soon.........still thinking on my wish list this year......come to think of it.....i would love to have only 2 new gadgets only which is a new hp (thinking of iphone or samsung jet or a latest nokia model) and also a brand new camera........anyone who are thinking of giving me some presents this year i would love you to give the mentioned gadgets........"matila permintaan" hi hi hi....not forgetting you also Santa Claus (yes Santa I've been very very good tis year) ahaks..........still in the process of thinking of what to wear for Christmas.........have been browsing the mall for a Christmas Look.......Christmas Shooping list for this year would be a new t-shirt for Christmas and also for the New Year Party (dear Jerry, we are sticking with all black right?)will be celebrating alone this year as the whole family decided to celebrate Christmas at my uncle's house in Sg Tenggang.......so the end result would be me spending Christmas alone in Kuching.....so to all of my friends i will be having a small open house for Christmas in Kuching this year...do come........
Oh yea....my baby v got his first check up last saturday.......and a quite expensive checkup i guess......hurm....the cost to bear when having a baby.....hi hi hi........oohh yea last friday went to the usual club and was amazed that the club was pack with crowds....hurmmm.....saw a few gorgeous guys.....hi hi hi......and saturday went to hilton pj with my cousins.....totally a last minute plan and i mean it a last minute plan.....sehelai sepinggang k........wanted to get a new pair of shirt but stress to choose a new new shirt in a limited time was too much to bear.....so decided to be sehelai sepinggang lah.....luckily there was a cardigan inside my baby v.....so put on the cardigan and i was ready for the club....for the first time in my clubbing days i felt kinda naked......coz being out for the whole day.........melekit, uncomfortable, the ensemble was not up to the usual standard.......hu hu hu.......and the band was kinda boring........personally the band before this was better -hyperzone......the super kawaii guitarist......hi hi hi.....
Okie enough of writing for now.....will write again soon on the damages that have been done for this year's Christmas Shopping list..........ta ta......guys........
gossip gurl..............