Hey guys.........after a long hiatus........it update time from me........well nothing much really happen within this month actually........has not been to club for quite some time......(which i miss the most with hot and cute crowd........music and dancing mode)......damn!.........owh festive season holidays were great...............

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my muslim friend......tak lambat kan.....raya sebulan.......he he he......well this year i did not work for the holiday.....yea....holiday and visiting fiesta for me.....really enjoying the holidays with movies and lepaking with friends plus fiesta of lemang, rendang.....he he he....delicious and full to the max......he he he............within this month opens houses are a norm here in Malaysia so lots of invitation need to fulfilled and foods are everywhere and so tempting......oh ya....during the fasting period did shed some weight.......he he he.......work was usual after that.................

Then it was the Malaysia Day celebration......for the time after like 47 years.....16 September was declared a public holiday.....another addition to list of public holidays......yea...more holidays......was at matic for the small scale celebrations with friends and meeting new friends and the cuci mata thingy was going on......the it move on to bangsar on the date itself...more cuci mata thingy going on......which was great.......he he he.......

Another celebration is my birthday.......the age is a secret he he he.........which fall on today and no celebration, no planned celebration just a simple prayer for my self.....

"Dear Lord, grant the strength and courage in my daily activity and work, protect me from and evil and harm doing, shower me your blessing Lord so that i can do well in all of my undertaking, grant me the best of health and heal me in my time of sickness. Dear Lord, for my work grant me the permanent for for my current job position. Bless also my friends and family Lord. All this i ask in your holy name. Amen"
and to those who are kind enough to give me presents this are the following item that i wish for:

iphone 4 or BB torch

lots of money

lots of love and someone who really love me and can be my partner for life.......
lastly happiness and

among my family and friends......
and also try my best to post more.....(which after a lot of blog walking and see their posts)
coming up in the next post would be......

A new home.......

p/s: all the pictures here are taken from google image.......
my housemate aka bff wedding
well guys......thats all for today's post....will post again soon....ta ta guys..........