Yes.....I reach the age of 25......hu hu hu...one year older one year wiser i guess....he he he.... The following are my wish list for my birthday tis year:
1. Ipod
2. New Handphone
3. Love
4. Lots of Money
5. A car
and the list goes on and on......oh yes a purple party is going on tonite....watch out for the deatils next week together with the hornbill festival.....
okie guys thats all for now.......ta ta
happy belated(belated ke..dah wished kat ofis kan)bday ekk nok..wish u well n all the best in getting all the wishlists...gila byk tahun ni punya wishlists...apa2 pun i hate that purple thingy thing tu hokeiii...!!!
Happy Birthday dahling! Though a late but better than never kan. hehe
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