Monday, November 17, 2008


Hey there......i know the area is full of dust, cobweb and other stuff, still in process of cleaning up here, so here are some little updates from me.......last friday, after not going to my favorite hang out place for a week....plan with the usual gang and went to the place for two reason, a birthday party (a friend of friends birthday), join jer lah, mkn kek kan....hi3....after that went on the floor, which was great......really enjoy the music and enviroment......oh ya....flirt with this guy.....just mere flirting nothing more than that.....hi3...cute one i might say.......forget about that fling....after that went home directly.......the next morning, i was mad with my celcom line which cannot connects me to the world......damn......went on a dante's cove marathon (so in love with the actors on the movie)....nite falls and another session of dancesercise......really enjoyed the session despite kaki terasa sakit lah kanzz.....hu3....gigih jugak menari nie...mcm org giler jerk......hi3....after that went for a midnite cum early morning breakfast....hi3.......wake up bout afternoon on sunday....still cannot connect to the net (which is scuks).....and continue the dvd marathon of dante's cove......hurm.....still cant believe that dante's coves has only 3 hu hu....will miss gregory micheal, william gregory lee, charlie david, jon fleming, german santiago......hurm.........okie lah guys....thats all for now...will write again soon.....will try my best to make sure that is blog is regulary updated..........ta ta for now guys..........


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