Last week, quite a busy week as i have to work for ZTF in partially burn to my skin as the fair was in a dome...a new concept from my company but was a bad one....the heat was unbearable...i mean really unbearable.....anyway....the good thing about that dome is when at night this gives a laser view inside and outside of the dome which is really great and spectacular plus extra cold....hi3....anyway the good and contra of the dome i guess......another thing is that on the launching night...the First Lady of Malaysia first time i saw the PM's wife.....beautiful and elegant in her own style......
Launching Gimic for ZTF....
Anyway, saturday evening went to the ever famous Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant...remember the Forrest Gump movie?...this restaurant was initiated during the Vietnam war, forrest and his friend...anyway the food was delicious...i had the hamburger which was good...the beef patty was great plus the shrimper heaven was delicious...4 different shrimp.....great........i let the pictures speak on my behalf.......
Shripmer's Heaven
Hamburger (sorry bout the bite mark)
Stop means you need something.......
Well guys that is it for this time.....will write again soon......tata....guys......
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